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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pinching an inch...(or more...ugh)

Okay, I know, the start of the new year, and suddenly all I can think of is getting in better shape.  How cliche!  Still and all, it controls my every thought these days.  How do I work out, what do I eat, how often should I workout, how can I do this and not loSE MY MIND!

The truth:  I am usually very good about what I eat...until I'm tired, and don't feel like preparing
something, and feel I deserve it!  And have too much to do!!  And...well, don't I deserve just one treat??!!!  You get the picture.

My downfall is carbs and the snacks that we have in the house for the kids.  Not all of them, just chips and crackers mainly.  I never eat their packaged honeybun type garbage.  SO, the plan?  Buy everything packaged, since those are the things I don't touch.....Well, not a good plan!  Now, it has become the forbidden fruit! And I want these things that I don't even like.  Plan B?  Don't buy the junk at all.  Now I will stick to Gogurt, string cheese, honeybuns (because I still don't eat those), fruit, popcorn, and some cut up veggies.

I know, first I enforce a chore system, and now I'm shoving veggies down their poor little throats.  So mean...they may end up running away.  If you see them, give them some Pringles and send them home.

(I am also secretly considering keeping the candy treats out of my classroom because I eat those more than I give them as treats!......What!?  There is stress in the classroom, too!  If you know my students, you may soon see them running around the playground with stalks of celery.  Play along.)

Anyhow, the lesson learned...when trying to control eating habits, one will eat just about anything out of spite.  In addition, my kids will suffer along with me...and my husband (he's lost over 25 lbs. recently, so he doesn't count.)

Now, if this Arctic freezing weather would leave long enough for me to brave a grocery store, we'll be on our way.   I'll keep you posted.


By the way, the kids are punished today because all hats and scarves from yesterday's escapades are still covering what used to be referred to as their rooms....and Zac officially hates doing dishes.

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